Notes on unraveling a sweater: re-knitting!

Lookee! I can’t believe how excited I am about knitting with my crazy new yarn. Not that there aren’t going to be some challenges to it. For one thing, the yarn is old and quite fragile, as I found when I was unraveling it and it kept breaking off. My best solution to this is the knit it with two strands held together, for reinforcement. That way if one strand breaks after the final piece is knit — Ah! Please! No! But it could happen — the other strand can hold it in place. 

Of course, two strands of medium-weight mohair knit together is a pretty chunky yarn. I won’t be making anything floaty and lacy out of this, I don’t think. Because the colors reminded me of a peacock, I was scrounging the net for a lace pattern with a good feather motif. A standard feather-and-fan would have been OK, but in my search for something more exotic I found this and this, not to mention a Fiddlesticks pattern for a gorgeous Peacock Feather Lace Shawl which is far beyond my lace-knitting abilities.

Not for this yarn, though. This yarn wants to be something bulky and utilitarian. The colors are so pretty, though…the world’s prettiest oven mitt? A set of place mats that I’ll never use? I’m stumped. As I’ve learned, the best thing I can do when I’m stumped is go away and do something else for a while, until inspiration strikes. 

(C’mon inspiration. Strike already!)

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